Example of Order Letter

Today I’ll make a simple example for order letter hope you will undrestand it. ^^


Example :



JL. Margonda Raya

Depok, Indonesia

May 15,2013


CUBE Entertainment

Cheongdam-dong, 125-6, 3rd Floor

Seoul, Gangnam-gu


Dear Sir or Madam,

As per our discussions on March 09, 2013 we are pleased to place an order for 100 copies of Midnight Sun Album by BEAST on the following terms and conditions:

  1. The cost of each book will be Rp. 85.000/piece (exclude tax)
  2. Delivery will be done within 7~14 days from the order date
  3. Damage items in transit are not the responsibility of CUBE Entertainment
  4. If the order is not delivered as per the above terms and conditions, the order stands cancelled and money can back 100%

We shall appreciate your shipping that albums immediately to our office in JL. Margonda Raya 125, Depok, Indonesia. Payment we will made with transfer banking to your account on May 18 2013.


Hoping to have a long business relationship with you.

Best regards,


(Aty Harmoni)


The reason I make it ==> because I ever order the album from korea so I think it will be easy if I make it for example. hehehe.

Please enjoy it.

Originally post by : miawmiaw27

Order Letter..

Do you know what is ‘Order Letter’ ????

Order letter/Placing order is a document or letter that confirms the details of a purchase of goods or services from one party to another. Example when we will buy some product in a company, we must send order letter for request that product and when the recipient in that company receives this letter, they will process the order and send the product.

An Order Letter is the one that is written by the person/company placing the request of purchase from another company. This letter comes into action only when a detailed study of the desired product has been done in the market and based on promised service, quality and price of the product, a decision for a purchase has been made.

An Order Letter should be drafted very carefully as it needs to pen down all the terms and conditions of the purchase for the benefit of both involved parties.

Things to be aware when writing a order letter :

  • An Order Letter should be addressed to the person responsible for executing the order
  •  include all the terms and conditions agreed upon by both involved parties
  • Since it is purely an official letter it should be typed out
  • There is no need to use too many adjectives in the letter since it is purely for an order being placed
  • The letter should have all rtelevant details related to the order, for example, quantity, price and other terms and conditions

2 ways to make order letter..

1. Order Letter with Official order form.

example :  10521936 (1)

to make us able to contact the company because the official form is already in there and we just to stayed fill it.

2. Order Letter without official order form.

Sometimes the company doesn’t have any official form. So we can make order letter to make request.  but t make it we must follow the rules and according.

What part of that must be exist in the letter?

1.)  Number

2.) Decription

3.) Quantity

4.) Type of product

5.) Price list

6.) Count of product

7.) Date of shipment

8.) Terms of payment

Example :

August 3, 2004

Mrs. Erlinda Ramos
MGT Marketing
Abucay, Bataan

Dear Mrs. Ramos:

Enclosed is a money order for two hundred dollar ($200) in return for which please send me by parcel post:

1 piece bathing suit, navy blue and white, size 33, No. H61 – $60.00
1 pair of white canvas tennis shoes, crepe soles, size 4, C width – $40.00
1 Tilden tennis rocket, green and white trim, green strings, wt. 13 oz., handle 4 inches – $45.00
1 grey sweater, V-neck, size 28, No. B25 – $55.00

Please send these articles within five days.

Very truly yours,

Mr. Roderick Santos

source : letters , how to write letter , office writing, docstoc

All About Inquiry Letter

Inquiry letter adalah sebuah jenis surat permintaan atau permohonan informasi tentang suatu produk, jasa, lowongan pekerjaan atau informasi bisnis lainnya.
            Pada umumnya fungsi umum dari surat ini adalah untuk merespon  suatu periklanan dari sumber-sumber informasi seperti surat kabar, majalah atau media elektronik tentang suatu produk/jasa saat kita tertarik dengan informasih yang diperoleh tersebut.
            Biasanya suart ini merupakan sebuah langkah awal dalam membangun sebuah bisnis atau kerjasama dari dua pihak, yakni penyedia produk/jasa dan pembeli produk/jasa tersebut.
            Dalam surat ini, ada beberapa hal yang di bahas oleh si penyedia jasa/produk yang merupakan pertanyaan dari pembeli  agar dapat membantu pembeli itu sendiri untuk mengetahui informasi tentang produk/jasa tersebut.  Hal-hal itu mencakup :
a. Nama dan jenis produk
b. Spesifikasi produk, yaitu; tipe, ukuran, kualitas, kapasitas dan lain-lain;
c. Harga satuannya.
d. Potongan harga;
e. Cara pembayarannya dari pembeli ke penjual;
f.  Cara penyerahan produk dari penjual ke pembeli, dan
g. Kemudahan yang mungkin diperoleh pembeli, seperti garansi dan lain-lain.
  • Contoh  Inquiry letter  :

  • Contoh Balasan dari Inquiry letter  :


       Dari contoh surat diatas,maka dapat dilihat bahwa bagian-bagian inquiry letter adalah :
  1. Kepala surat (header)
Tercantum Alamat, jika sebuah instansi/perusahaan, pada bagian kepala surat bisa juga menggunakan kop surat dari perusahaan/instansi tempat Anda bekerja dan cukup menuliskan alamat perusahaan yang dituju.
  1. Tanggal surat (date) ; Contoh pada surat di atas : 25 june 2009
  1. Pembuka (openning)
Pembuka selalu diawali dengan salam.  Dalam opening tergantung surat formal/ non formal.
Contoh untuk non formal : Dear Rara


Contoh untuk formal : To Whom It May Concern


  1. Referensi (reference)
Paragraf pertama selalu diawali dengan referensi yang Anda temui tentang perusahaan yang dituju. Referensi tersebut bisa berupa iklan di media cetak dan elektronik atau informasi bisnis lain yang Anda dapatkan dari kolega bisnis yang bekerja di perusahaan tersebut. Ekspresi yang umum digunakan adalah sebagai berikut:


With reference to your advertisement (ad) in … Atau 


Regarding your advertisement (ad) in …
  1. Permohonan informasi
Setelah menuliskan referensi, Anda dapat melanjutkan dengan menuliskan permohonan informasi yang ingin Anda dapatkan. Ekspresi yang umum digunakan adalah sebagai berikut:


Would you please send me …   Atau   Could you please send me …



Jika ada informasi lain yang ingin Anda ketahui, Anda dapat menuliskannya dengan ekspresi berikut ini:



I would also like to know … Atau  Could you tell me whether …


  1. Penutup dan tanda tangan (signature)
Ekspresi yang umum digunakan pada bagian penutup adalah:


Sincerely  Atau ekspresi formal yang juga lazim digunakan adalah:  Yours faithfully


Setelah menuliskan penutup, cantumkan nama serta jabatan (jika Anda merupakan seorang staf pada suatu perusahaan).
source : inamona

Format of Bussiness Letter

Business lettersuse six common letter formats. Variations differ for other countries such as the date is composed in another style. All proper business letter formats are acceptable but the block is more common.

1. Full Block style 

The Full Block style in business letter is the easiest to format. Here everything starts at the left margin, and Dixie delights in the fact that no tabs are needed. This style is efficient and businesslike. No wonder it has become so popular and it is Dixie’s first choice. Below Dixie describes in detail major elements of a business letter. Most of them are used in writing practically any business letter.

Example :

Full Block Business Letter Format

2. Block style

The common block letter format is formatted with all of your text flush with the left margin. Paragraphs are doubled spaced and all line text single spaced. The margins are a standard word processor setting of one inch.

In block format all the text is justified left. The sender’s address, date, receivers name and address, as well as the main body of the letter and the closing are all justified to the left hand side of the page. All the lines start at the same place: they should be vertically justified so that they form a straight vertical line.

The paragraphs aren’t indented. The ends of the lines at the right hand side shouldn’t be justified. It’s easiest to read text that is left justified and uneven at the right hand side. This will mean that the text isn’t stretched to fill the line so each letter and space will be the same size.

The most common format for business letters is called block style.

  • Everything is lined up on the left except for the company letterhead.
  • Skip 1 line between the date, inside address, salutation, paragraphs in the body of the letter, and closing.
  • Leave 4 lines for your signature

Example :

Block format business letter layout.

3. Semi-Block style

The final, and least used, style is semi-block. It is much like the modified block style except that each paragraph is indented instead of left justified. Keep in mind that different organizations have different format requirements for their professional communication. While the examples provided by the OWL contain common elements for the basic business letter (genre expectations), the format of your business letter may need to be flexible to reflect variables like letterheads and templates. Our examples are merely guides.

If your computer is equipped with Microsoft Office 2000, the Letter Wizard can be used to take much of the guesswork out of formatting business letters. To access the Letter Wizard, click on the Tools menu and then choose Letter Wizard. The Wizard will present the three styles mentioned here and input the date, sender address and recipient address into the selected format. Letter Wizard should only be used if you have a basic understand of how to write a business letter. Its templates are not applicable in every setting. Therefore, you should consult a business writing handbook if you have any questions or doubt the accuracy of the Letter Wizard.

the only difference between the semi and alternative block is as opposed to have the body text justified left, the first line of each paragraph is indented.

Example :

Semi-block format business letter layout.

4. Indented Style

In case of the indented/semi-block layout the paragraphs in the body are indented one tab stop. So, you need to use two tabs: one for the indented paragraphs and one for the return address (again, in case no letterhead is used), date, complimentary closing and signature line. Dixie thinks this style is a little outdated. On the other hand, most of us are comfortable with it and a lot of companies still use it.

Example :

Indented Business Letter Format

5. Simplified style

This format takes the same properties of the block letter with one exception, the greeting or salutation is eliminated. This is a helpful format when you don’t know the recipient’s gender is male or female, or Mrs. or Miss.

The simplified letter is often used for mass mailings.

  • Instead of a salutation, use a heading.
  • Leave 2 spaces above and below this heading to set it apart.
  • Instead of a closing, write your signature.
  • Put your name and title on the same line and in capital letters below your signature.

Example :

Example of a  simplified formatted letter

6. Hanging Indetation Style

 Hanging Ident is a style of paragraph composing in which the first line of the text is aligned with the left margin.

Example :

credits : owl , excellent ,  sb information , anhit